What are the best YouTube channels for learning, growth and development?

♦ Education ( All great learning content at one place  )

♦ Kurz Gesagt - In a Nutshell   - (Explain complex things  into simple terms with beautiful illustration )

♦ The Curious Engineer (Great content with ,sweet and simple illustration )

Life Noggin  (Fill your brain with new information )

♦ Veritasium -(Science made real)

♦ Vsauce -( Science nerd this is for you )

♦ CGP Grey - (We explain it better  )

♦ MinutePhysics (For physics nerd )

♦ AsapSCIENCE (Science for inner child who is so curious )

♦ Tell me why (Explains science questions, even silly one's, in a simple language white board animated videos)

♦ It's Okay To Be Smart -(everybody wants  to be smart right Huh ! )

♦ Sick Science!- (Learn experiments that you can do)

♦ Scientific American Space Lab(All about space and space exploration )

♦ Reactions - (For chemistry nerd )

♦ CrashCourse - (learn fast by john green ) 

♦ TED-Ed  - (Best way to learn new things )
♦ ehowfinance -(Learn about finance )

♦ Engineering Explained (learn about how car works from suspension to engine )

♦ MIT OpenCourseWare - (Free engineering lessons from best professors )

♦ Numberphile- (For Maths nerd )

♦ Computerphile -(For  computer nerd  )

♦ Shots of Awe-(Mind broadening  by Jason Silva )

♦ Big Think (Smarter faster thinker )  

  TestTube News -Believe in a more brilliant world

♦ Disturb Reality - (Learn magic )

♦ Grant Thompson - "The King of Random -( Mad science )

♦  The School of Life - (develop emotional intelligence )

♦ SciShow  - You Make Curiosity Contagious (best)

♦  brusspup(Science and illusion tricks will make feel chills )

♦ Spirit Science-(Discussion about meta metaphysics)

♦ carsandwater - (Crazy  experiments )

♦ SciShow Space- (Space curious this for you )

 SmarterEveryDay - (Makes you science smarter every day )

♦ Physics Girl (You know super girl this is Physics girl )

♦  thenewboston-( learn coding from scratch) 

♦ codedamn
(At code damn, you can find various tutorials related to web designing and web development from building chrome extensions to web hacks.)

♦ ColdfusTion- (From how hololens works to how big is google )

♦ BrainCraft  (Know how our weird brain works )

♦ The Royal Institution - The Smart place for Science (Recommend for budding science students )

♦ Sixty Symbols -(Amazing Astronomy and physics videos by University of Nottingham )

♦ MinuteEarth -(learn about mother earth )

♦ Jeremy Blum (Learn how to work on open source hardware to computer architecture.  )

Samy Kamkar - (Learn applied hacking so cool Huh! )

♦ Kenhublearning human anatomy made simple (Medicine students this for you )
◘ AnatomyZone (This too)

♦ bbclearningenglish (Quora budding writer's a helpful solution to your
english embarrassment moments  )
• Speak English With Misterduncan (this also )

♦ Vi Hart - Recreational mathemusician 

♦ MITK12Videos - (They explain things like i am 5  year old )

 ♦ FitnessBlender -( No gym trainer  , No problemo ) 

♦  Quirkology- (Quirky Mind stuff for curious minds )

♦ THNKR - (expand your mind )

♦ Periodic Videos - (Learn how element works in real life experiments )

♦ Seeker Daily - (want to learn and discover new knowledge daily  )
• Seeker Stories (Seeker Stories takes a deep look at some of the world’s most unique individuals, places, and cultures)

♦ Nobel Prize -(interviews from past and present Nobel Prize winners )

♦ list25 -(Quora of you- tube ) 

Some life coaches -

Brian Tracy- ( From self discipline to financial success) 

♦ MelRobbins -( She will help you to get back to your track )

Evan Carmichael - (From Gates's Top Rules of success to will smith handwork )

♦ Tony Robbins -(Step up  your standard )

♦ Brendon Burchard - ( From prioritizing things to how became extremely successful in life ) 

Motivation Booster 

♦ Mateusz M -( Gives you  Motivational Chills ) 

(Because every  gazelle  needs  extra force to run away from hunter, else it will stop )

That's  all i know , if you know more suggest edit . ☺
Source - self search and watching .

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