What are some cool facts about the Universe?

Here are some amazing facts about the universe.

1.  Atoms are the building blocks of all the matter in the universe.
But what's interesting is ,it's comprised of a tiny nucleus surrounded by about 99.9% empty space. 
Theoretically if you are able to remove all of that empty space, you could fit the entire human race in about the size of a sugar cube.

2.  There is a planet that scientists discovered in 2004 called Gliese 436b that's entirely covered by burning ice.
The planet has incredibly strong gravity which super compresses the ice allowing it to withstand the 
800 degree Celsius temperature on it's surface.

​3. About 1% of static that you see on your TV is made up of cosmic microwave radiation which is left over from the big bang that happened 
13.7 billion years ago. 

4. In 2011 there was a magnitude 9.0 earthquake that happened in Japan which was so strong that actually shifted the earth's axes and shortened days on earth by 1.8 micro seconds.

5. Every century, the earth's rotation naturally slows by about 17 mili seconds.
That means if you went back to when dianosours roam the earth, the days would only be about 22 hours long.

6. There is a mountain on Mars called Olympus Mons that's 22 kilometres tall.
That's three times the size of mount Everest on earth.
It's the tallest mountain on any planet in our solar system and it is so big that it actually sticks out of the Mars's atmosphere.

7. Aerogel also known as frozen smoke, is the lowest density solid that we know of.
Its made up of about 96% air, it can support 8 thousand times its own weight and  can withstand a blast from 2 pounds of dynamite.
It is also the best insulator in existence that's why NASA uses it to insulate space suits.

8. Our solar system takes ​
Two hundred and twenty five million years to rotate around the milky way. 
That means that the last time the earth was in its current position, the dianosours were just beginning to roam the earth.9. Stars are created when cosmic gases collect billions of tons of mass and gravity gets so strong that fusion occurs and the release of energy creates a star.
According to our best estimates, 
Two hundred and seventy five million 
stars are created every single day.

10. Planets are created from the aftermath of star births.
All the remains of material that's left over will either create an astroid, a comet, a moon and if there is enough a planet.

11. Sagittarius B is a massive space cloud that's 26 thousand light years away from earth, that's entirely made of alcohol.
It contains over
a billion, billion, billion litres of alcohol, which is enough for about 
400 trillion pints of beer.

​12. Astrologists theorise that the centre of our galaxy smells like rum and tastes like raspberry.
This is due to the discovery of 
ethyl formate in the milky way which is the chemical responsible for raspberries its flavour and rum its smell.

13. Everything on earth, including earth itself is made of Stardust.
Every single naturally occurring element with the exception of hydrogen and helium is created within stars.
This means as an example that the iron in your blood is actually billions of years old from a star trillions of miles away.

14. 55 CANCRI E is known as the Diamond planet.
Discovered 40 light years away from earth, its so rich in carbon that its believed to hold 3 times our planet's mass in diamonds.
Its also believed to have a solid diamond core with the size of 
10 billion ,trillion,trillion carats.

15. Black holes are one of the most fascinating things in our universe mostly because of our inability to accurately study them. 
Although we don't know too much about them, what we do know is that they form when a star dies and collapses on itself.
The gravitational pull that is created by this is so strong that nothing can escape from it.

16. Its hypothesised that 80% of the universe is made up of Dark Matter.
Dark Matter is a matter that cannot be directly seen with telescopes. 
The only reason that we know they exist is  due to its gravitational pull on visible matter.

17. Planet Venus's day is longer than it's year.
This is because of its entire orbit around the sun before it manages to turn ones on its axis.

18. The light hitting earth right now is over thirty thousand years old.
That's because it takes that long for the energy in the sunlight to leave the sun's core and reach its surface.
When it finally reach the sun's surface it only takes about 8 minutes to reach earth.

19. In space, there is something really cool called cold wielding.
If two pieces of metal touch in space, they instantly bond and become one.
This is due to the vaccum that occurs in space and it doesn't happen on earth because our atmosphere puts a layer of oxidized material between the two surfaces.

That's it.

These are some facts about the universe that I found interesting.

If you want to know more,
Just Google- interesting universe facts.
There is a lot of them out there.

Source: 1. Various links on
2. www.wikipedia.com
3. A book by Stephen Hawking-
    A brief history of time.
4. Self search & google images.

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