Inception Village - Bourton-on-the-water in Gloucestershire, England

Inception Village - Bourton-on-the-water in Gloucestershire, England

The village inside a village inside a village inside a village inside a village. It is so beautiful that in 1937, local craftsmen decided to build a 1:9 scale replica of the village inside the village, which looks like this:

The model village has its own model village.

And at the back of this 'model model village' sits a 'model model model village'.

It is a popular tourist attraction, turning toddlers into superheroes.

Bourton Model Village has always been famous for it's miniature bonsai type trees, which are carefully pruned to keep them to scale.

Content & Image Credits :-

The Model Village, Bourton-on-the-Water, a one-ninth scale replica of our village in the Cotwolds, U.K.

The village inside a village inside a village inside a village inside

England has an ‘inception village.’

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